March 30, 2024

5 Meaningful Ways to Engage Prospects Who Work From Home

Jordan Luvisi
Jordan Luvisi

A black background with orange and white lines

Nearly 50% of the US is currently working remotely, according to reporting from major media outlets. Those numbers are trending up as more states and countries experience an increase in cases, leaving more professionals navigating new systems and routines.

Salespeople, as well, are navigating an unfamiliar way of life; for many, the in-person connections we make through networking, discovery meetings, tradeshows, roadshows, and kick-off meetings are a vital part of success. With the world retreating to the safety of home, the sales and marketing industry must forge these relationships in new ways.

In times such as these, personal gestures and meaningful communication become more pertinent than ever. As salespeople, we have the opportunity to educate and inspire, to soothe frayed nerves and create moments of enjoyment during uncertain times.

Many of our prospects could probably use a pick-me-up right about now, and a little human connection.

A well-crafted approach can strike the right tone and create an experience that feels genuine.

Reaching the Right Destination

During a time of remote work, you don’t want to send something to an empty office. But you also have to respect the boundaries between home life and professional life at a time when many of your prospects might be learning to successfully navigate that line themselves.

Create a warm and friendly opt-in experience where recipients can choose which address their package is sent to. For instance:

  • Simply send a quick email inquiring about their day and saying, “I’d love to send you something. Can you confirm the best shipping address?”
  • Create a landing page that invites recipients to take advantage of your gift offer. Make it welcoming, clear, and use it to confirm the shipping details.
  • Use Sendoso’s new Address Confirmation feature, which gives senders the ability to ask recipients for confirmation of their address before an item is sent, ensuring it will be delivered wherever they are currently working.

There are many ways to support your prospects through the ups and downs of working from home and social distancing. They may be going through a range of emotions and challenges, and the right gift can bring some much-needed levity, surprise, or relaxation to the day. Here are a few ideas we love:

5 Ways to Delight Prospects Who Work Remotely

  1. The Essential WFH Kit: Working from home presents a lot of challenges: noise, boredom, under-caffeination. Send your recipient a helpful and thoughtful gift to help them through the workday. A care package with a printed blog post “10 Tips for Successfully Working at Home” can be paired with branded headphones, a bag of branded coffee (since the afternoon coffee run is on hold), a coffee mug, and some choice snacks.
  2. For a bit of fun, add a door hanger: “Do Not Disturb – Genius at Work.” If you know your recipient has children, you can add a game or diversion to keep them entertained during an important call. Suggested handwritten message: “Since you can’t head to the break room, we thought the break room could come to you. Enjoy, from your friends at Sendoso.”
  3. Gifts for Mind and Body: Send your recipient a great read to occupy some idle hours at home. A printed eBook or a physical thought leadership book (Maybe, “Remote: Office Not Required” by the fine folks at 37Signals) could be great for striking a professional tone.
  4. Pair your book with another useful item, like a pair of branded free weights, exercise band, or a gift subscription to Yoga Anytime, to help them keep things in balance while they’re at home. Suggested handwritten message: “We’re here to help you stay zen during this time of transition.”
  5. A Charitable Gesture: At a time when the world feels unusually spread out, make your recipient feel connected by offering them the chance to help a worthy cause. A CharityChoice gift card allows you to fund a charitable gift on behalf of your recipient, selected by them from a list of over 250 charitable organizations including animal rescue organizations, research charities, children’s charities, and even local organizations doing good within the recipient’s community.
  6. A Thoughtful Handwritten Note: Lord Byron said it best: “Letter-writing is the only device for combining solitude with good company.” In a sea of digital communications, during a time when in-person connections are on hold, be someone’s good company. Connecting with your recipient through a physical card and some encouraging words or an inspirational quote can be just the thing to change their outlook and bring a bit of surprise to their day.
  7. eGift Cards for the Basics: As the world goes remote, we are relying more than ever on the delivery from restaurants, grocery stores, and providers of essential services like Amazon and Chewy. An eGift card helps your recipient meet everyday needs or just bring a little variety home, while perfectly bridging the gap between your online and offline marketing experience.

No matter the events taking shape around us, human connection will always be welcomed and valuable. In sharing a care package, a gift card, or simply a note of encouragement, you can create memorable offline experiences when they matter most, and build relationships that will weather the changing tide.

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