A yellow circle with a white background

Send on the Fly with Swag On Demand.

No minimums, more variety, better ROI.

See How It WorksA black background with orange dots
Send highly desirable items from Sendoso Direct

From Just-In-Time to Just Right

Remove the stress of deciding what and how much swag to buy.  With no minimum order requirements and shipping directly to your recipient, Swag On Demand creates a seamless experience from start to finish.

Create Your Own Business Swag Marketplace

Don't store inventory, ever - Get time back to focus on what really matters—no need to store, warehouse, or package your own swag ever again. Sendoso takes care of everything.

Choose from hundreds of items - Swag On Demand is simple. Choose what you want to feature, and let your prospects and customers pick what they like. We handle the rest.

Save time and money - No more paying to ship and store your swag at events or being limited to t-shirts and water bottles no one wants.

Give Customers and Prospects a Choice

Send things they'll love - Everyone is different in size, shape, taste, and need. Let them choose what they want, and they'll be happy. Bonus: it’s respectful.

Learn something new - When your prospect or customer chooses their own swag, they’re more likely to use it. What they choose teaches you more about their interests.

Good Swag Makes a Great Impression

🎁 Make customers happy and advance relationships

🎁 Eliminate waste

🎁 Measure and track the impact of your swag spend

Strategic sending drives real results!

increase in response rates
over 200%
return on campaign investment
hours saved per campaign

See how leading B2B companies use Sendoso to fuel revenue

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We’ve seen response rates and success with Sendoso like no other form of outreach.

Peter Tarrant, Account Based Marketer, Tipalti

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Get started with a demo today!