Corporate Gifting Industry & Market - Latest Data & Summary (2024)

Katie Penner
Katie Penner

Head of Sender Relations at Sendoso
A black background with orange and white lines

B2B or corporate gifting isn’t new. The concept of corporate gifting has a long history, with its roots dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries.

During this time, industrial philanthropy played a significant role in establishing the authority and legitimacy of capitalists as social and political actors, according to Jamie Cross in “The Coming of the Corporate Gift.”

Cookies as a service, by Grove Cookie Company
Creating a following: Cookie gifts by Grove Cookie Company

Even at its onset, Cross shares that industrialists used corporate giving as a strategic tool to invoke positive meanings while implicitly seeking to annul or foreclose alternative thoughts and implications.

This form of philanthropy helped to extend and authenticate the power of modern corporations.

Since then, gifting has become and remains an essential part of the business landscape, still used to foster stronger relationships and cultivate a positive work culture.

However, gifting has evolved beyond the concept that it’s the thought that counts. To ensure gifts resonate and drive action, responses, and results—and don’t promote unnecessary waste—sending any old, one-size-fits-all tchotchke doesn’t cut it. Rather now, it’s all about how you gift.

Understanding the importance of gifting right is important for businesses to navigate the opportunity in 2023 yet and ahead.

In this blog post, we will dive into the significance, key factors driving the market, popular categories, and how to adapt corporate gifting for virtual events.

Get ready to make a lasting impression on your employees and clients!

Short Summary

  • Corporate gifting (valued at a staggering $242 billion industry) is an important tool to build relationships and show appreciation.
  • Personalization, sustainability, and technological advancements are key factors driving the corporate gifting market.
  • Companies need to leverage a variety of gifts, including physical items, branded and unbranded, digital gift cards, experiential subscriptions, and social media-friendly gifts for virtual events – to suit multiple use cases, as one size never fits all.

The Significance of Corporate Gifting

Corporate gifting is not just about exchanging gifts; it’s a powerful tool to boost brand awareness, retain clients, and show appreciation to employees.

This ultimately helps build stronger relationships and cultivate a positive work culture.

With the global corporate gifting industry still valued at a staggering $242 billion, it’s clear that businesses recognize the impact of thoughtful gift-giving and why corporate gifting is important.

The rise of remote work has fueled the corporate gifting market, as businesses seek creative ways to maintain connections with clients, prospective clients, and employees and enhance their brand’s visibility.

Creating experiences, building connections
Creating gifting experiences, building connections

Navigating this landscape may seem daunting, but understanding the core components of successful gifting can help you create a lasting impression on your employees and clients.

And partnering with the right B2B gifting company can make all the difference in achieving your goals.

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness plays a significant role in the success of any business, as it impacts customer loyalty, trust, sales, and market share. Corporate gifting can amplify brand awareness by creating a memorable impression of the company and its values.

By selecting gifts that reflect your company’s values, such as sustainability or personalization, you can create a positive image and strengthen relationships with employees and clients.

Corporate gifting for conferences and events is particularly effective in boosting brand visibility and recognition.

For internal events, personalized gifts can create a shared and unforgettable experience for employees, fostering a sense of camaraderie, engagement, and commitment to the company.

For external events, corporate gifts can help your brand stand out among competitors, leaving a lasting impression on potential clients and partners.

Sendoso customers can create custom marketplaces featuring branded merch using Sendoso Swag On Demand gifts and only pay for items once employees or customers accept them.

Sendoso is uniquely different in not requiring customers to carry and incur high fees to pre-purchase and stock large amounts of inventory that may or may not ever get used.

This is a win for customers’ bottom lines, as items are only decorated once redeemed.

Client Retention

Client retention is of utmost importance, as it helps maintain a steady income, lowers the cost of acquiring new customers, builds trust in the brand, and increases the value of the customer over time.

Curated Client Gifts
Create more wow moments

Thoughtful corporate gifts can enhance client retention by re-engaging existing clients and strengthening business relationships, leading to increased brand loyalty, vocal advocates, and longer client relationships.

When selecting corporate gifts for clients, it’s important to consider their interests, budget, and occasion.

A well-chosen gift can reflect the company’s brand and values, showcasing your commitment to meeting clients’ needs and fostering long-term relationships.

By keeping cultural sensibilities in mind, you can ensure that your gifts are appropriate and respectful, further solidifying your connection with clients.

Employee Appreciation

Employee appreciation through corporate gifting is crucial in boosting morale, job satisfaction, and productivity.

Multiple studies support the claim that companies that invest in employee recognition programs see a more engaged and motivated workforce, leading to better performance and higher retention rates.

These studies emphasize the importance of employee communication, rewards, and organizational support in enhancing employee engagement and achieving desired outcomes.

Connect through personal 5to9™ interests
Connect through personal interests

Schneider et al. (2017) discussed the importance of studying the relationship between workforce engagement and organizational performance.

The study highlighted engagement as an organizational resource that can enable competitive advantage.

Gift baskets filled with thoughtful items as one example or gifts that support hobbies, sports teams, home office, or family time can make employees feel valued and appreciated upon reaching meaningful milestones or noteworthy life moments, fostering a sense of loyalty to the company.

However, budget constraints are a common challenge when it comes to corporate gifting for employee appreciation.

With budgets ranging from $25 to $125 per gift, companies must strike a balance between offering meaningful rewards and staying within financial limits.

It’s essential to work with gifting companies that balance high-quality gifts and budgets to resonate with employees and reflect the company’s values, yet within every budget consideration.

Key Factors Driving the Corporate Gifting Market

The corporate gifting market is shaped by several key factors, such as personalization, sustainability, and technological advancements.

These corporate gifting trends cater to the evolving preferences of recipients, ensuring that your corporate gifts resonate with employees and clients alike.

By staying up-to-date with industry trends and adapting your gifting strategies, you can maximize the impact of your corporate gifts and foster stronger relationships.

Understanding these factors is crucial in selecting gifts that align with your company’s values and the preferences of your recipients.

Let’s delve deeper into each of these trends and how they influence the corporate gifting landscape.


Personalization is a powerful tool in the corporate gifting market, as it increases the perceived value of gifts and makes recipients feel special and valued.

By customizing gifts according to individual tastes, you can create memorable experiences that showcase your company’s thoughtfulness and commitment.

Connect through personal, thoughtful, and relevant outreach
Connect through personal, thoughtful, and relevant outreach

Selecting gifts that reflect their interests is a great way to use personalization in a way that’s scalable for gift senders.

Personalizing gifts can give recipients a sense of being valued, create a lasting impression, and ultimately increase the perceived value of the gift.

By offering personalized gifts, you demonstrate your dedication to fostering meaningful connections and nurturing long-lasting relationships.


Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in corporate gifting, as companies seek eco-friendly options to minimize their environmental impact.

Recipients are more likely to appreciate gifts that are made from sustainable materials and produced through socially responsible practices.

By aligning your corporate gifting strategy with sustainable values, you can contribute to a greener future and make a positive impression on your employees and clients.

Companies can demonstrate their commitment to the environment by gifting eco-friendly corporate items. Examples include reusable water bottles, solar-powered gadgets, and products made from recycled materials.

By offering sustainable gifts, you showcase your company’s commitment to environmental responsibility and demonstrate that you care about the well-being of your employees, clients, and the planet.

Technological Advancements

Technological advancements have significantly impacted the corporate gifting market, with innovative tech gadgets and accessories becoming popular choices for corporate gifts.

These items appeal to recipients due to their practicality, usefulness, and cutting-edge features.

By staying current with technological trends, you can offer gifts that resonate with employees and clients alike, showcasing your company’s commitment to innovation and progress.

Popular tech gadgets and accessories for corporate gifting include wireless charging pads, Bluetooth speakers, smart home devices, and virtual reality headsets.

These gifts not only serve a practical purpose but also offer an engaging and interactive experience for recipients.

By incorporating technology into your corporate gifting strategy, you can create memorable experiences and foster lasting connections with employees and clients.

Challenges in Corporate Gifting

While corporate gifting offers numerous benefits, it also presents corporate gifting challenges that companies must navigate.

These challenges include budget constraints, cultural sensitivity, and inventory management, all of which require careful planning and consideration.

By understanding these challenges and addressing them proactively, you can create a successful corporate gifting strategy that resonates with employees and clients, strengthens relationships, and showcases your company’s values and commitment.

Budget Constraints

Budget constraints can limit the scope of corporate gifting, making it essential for companies to prioritize meaningful and cost-effective gifts.

With typical corporate gifting budgets ranging from $25 to $125 per gift, companies must strike a balance between offering high-quality, memorable gifts and staying within financial limits.

To overcome budget constraints, consider focusing on the quality and personalization of the gift rather than the price tag.

Thoughtful, well-chosen gifts can leave a lasting impression on recipients, regardless of cost.

By selecting gifts that align with company values and the preferences of recipients, you can maximize the impact of your corporate gifting strategy while adhering to budget limitations.

Cultural Sensitivity

Cultural sensitivity is crucial in corporate gifting to ensure that gifts are appropriate and respectful of recipients’ backgrounds and beliefs.

Companies should be mindful of cultural norms, religious beliefs, and local customs when selecting and distributing gifts, as inappropriate gifts can damage relationships and negatively impact a company’s reputation.

To ensure cultural sensitivity in corporate gifting, conduct research into the cultural norms and values of the recipient, avoid gifts that could be seen as offensive or inappropriate and take into account the recipient’s religious beliefs when selecting a gift.

By demonstrating cultural sensitivity and respect, you can strengthen relationships with employees and clients while avoiding potential misunderstandings and missteps.

Inventory Management

Inventory management can be challenging in corporate gifting, as companies must balance the need for variety with the risk and cost of stocking items or availability.

Managing inventory is essential in ensuring that the right gifts are available when needed and that resources are not wasted on excess stock. Too many companies require inventory be pre-purchased and can often result in costly year-end fees if unused and sitting on shelves.

By optimizing inventory management strategically, you can ensure that your corporate gifting execution remains efficient and cost-effective and also well-received by recipients.

Rather than incur this work and balance in-house, many companies rely on gifting partners to manage for them. Finding the right partner to maintain the right balance is just as important as committing to gifting as part of your strategy.

Popular Corporate Gift Categories

There are several popular corporate gift categories that cater to a wide range of preferences and needs, including customized apparel or swag, tech gadgets and accessories, and wellness and self-care items.

By understanding these popular categories, you can select gifts that resonate with your employees and clients, creating memorable experiences and fostering lasting connections.

Let’s explore these popular categories and discover how they can enhance your corporate gifting strategy.

Customized Apparel

Customized apparel is a popular choice for corporate gifting due to its practicality and potential for brand visibility.

Personalized clothing items like jackets, sweaters, dress shirts, and polos decorated with a company’s logo or branding can create a sense of unity among employees and offer a lasting reminder of the company’s commitment to its workforce.

By offering customized apparel as corporate gifts, you can create a sense of belonging among employees and showcase your company’s brand in a visible and practical manner.

These gifts serve a dual purpose – providing employees with functional items while promoting your company’s image and values.

Tech Gadgets and Accessories

Tech gadgets and accessories are in high demand as corporate gifts, thanks to their appeal and usefulness in today’s technology-driven world. These items offer practical benefits for recipients while showcasing your company’s commitment to innovation and progress.

As a result, business gifts in the form of tech gadgets and accessories are becoming increasingly popular.

Popular tech gadgets and accessories for corporate gifting include wireless charging pads, Bluetooth speakers, smart home devices, and virtual reality headsets.

These gifts not only serve a practical purpose, but also offer an engaging and interactive experience for recipients.

By incorporating technology into your corporate gifting strategy, you can create memorable experiences and foster lasting connections with employees and clients.

Wellness and Self-Care Items

Wellness and self-care items are gaining popularity in corporate gifting, as companies recognize the importance of promoting a healthy work-life balance.

These gifts cater to the well-being of employees and clients, demonstrating your company’s commitment to their overall health and happiness.

Some popular wellness and self-care items for corporate gifting include fitness trackers, yoga mats, essential oil diffusers, and top-notch skincare products.

By offering these items, you can encourage employees and clients to prioritize their well-being, leading to a happier and healthier workforce and client base.

Adapting Gifting for Virtual Events

As remote work and virtual events become increasingly prevalent, companies must hold to the importance of corporate gifting yet adapt their strategies.

Embracing digital gift cards (still a fan fav), experience-based gifts and e-subscriptions, and social media-friendly gifts can help bridge the gap between physical distance and foster connections in a virtual setting.

Let’s delve into these adaptations and discover how they can enhance your corporate gifting strategy for virtual events and remote recipients.

Digital Gift Cards e-Subscriptions

Digital gift cards and e-subscription-based services offer flexibility and convenience, making them ideal for virtual events and remote recipients.

These electronic gifts can be personalized to reflect the recipient’s interests, preferences, and the company’s brand.

Plus, digital gift cards are cost-effective, as they typically come with no fees and can be easily distributed.

By offering digital gift cards for virtual events, you can provide a flexible and convenient gifting option that caters to the needs of remote employees and clients, while still showcasing your company’s commitment to their well-being and satisfaction.

Experience-Based Gifts

Experience-based gifts create memorable moments for employees and clients, even in a virtual setting, and can help foster connections despite physical distance.

Experiential gifts

By offering unique and personalized experiences, such as virtual classes, workshops, or tours, you can provide recipients with lasting memories and a sense of connection to your company.

These experience-based gifts not only offer engaging and interactive experiences but also help build social connections among remote employees and clients.

By incorporating experience-based gifts into your corporate gifting strategy, you can create special moments and foster lasting connections in the virtual world.

Social Media-Friendly Gifts

Social media-friendly gifts can boost brand awareness and engagement, as recipients share their experiences and appreciation online.

By offering visually appealing and shareable gifts, such as custom-designed products or unique experiences, you can encourage your gift recipients to showcase your company’s commitment to their satisfaction and well-being on their social media channels.

This not only strengthens relationships but also enhances your brand’s visibility and reach among potential clients and partners.


Corporate gifting is a powerful tool for building relationships, fostering a positive work culture, and showcasing your company’s values and commitment to prospective clients, clients, and employees.

By understanding the significance of corporate gifting modernized for today’s standards, key factors driving the market, popular gift categories, and how to adapt your strategy for virtual events, you can create a lasting impression and maximize your impact.

As you navigate the world of corporate gifting in 2023 and beyond, remember that thoughtful, relevant, and personalized gifting can [still] make all the difference in strengthening relationships and promoting a healthy and productive workforce.

Embrace the opportunities and challenges of B2B gifting, and watch as your company’s reputation and connections flourish.

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