Meeting Reminder Email Templates (Decrease No-Shows)

Katie Penner
Katie Penner

Head of Sender Relations at Sendoso
A black background with orange and white lines

It’s happened to you, hasn’t it: You went back and forth finding a meeting time, and when that day came, you rushed through your tasks so you could give the meeting your full, undivided attention.

Then you just sat there in an empty Zoom room, realizing that you got ghosted.

Being ghosted sucks, but it doesn’t need to happen. While you can’t change how anyone else schedules their time, you can give them a gentle nudge so your meeting stays top-of-mind.

Research from WildApricot indicates that sending four event reminder email templates can triple your attendance rate.

Number of EmailsRegistration Increase (From First Email)1N/A2185%3315%4311%

So, what should your meeting reminder email say? To answer it, we’re going to share seven appointment reminder email templates you’re welcome to use for your workflows, meetings, and webinars.

Use These Meeting Reminder Email Templates

The confirmation email is crucial. It’s the first follow-up your prospect will receive after they schedule a meeting with you. It should contain details like the event name, date, time, and meeting format (remote, in-person, or phone call).

You also want to use it to direct their attention to relevant content (e-books, events, videos) that will get them excited to connect with you. Prospects are most engaged right after scheduling a meeting with you, so leverage this period of high engagement thoughtfully.

Here’s how we suggest you tackle the meeting confirmation email:

Meeting confirmation email

Subject line: Confirming your meeting at (time) on (date)

Hi (name),

Just confirming that you have booked to chat with me and (other attendees) on (date) at (time) about (subject). If this time no longer works for you, please let me know.

I’m looking forward to our chat, but in the meantime, I thought you might be interested in this (content-type) on (subject).

See you on (date).

(your name)
(job title)
(company name)

Casual meeting reminder email

Twenty years ago, people were more formal and rigid in remote client meetings. Some brands replaced the formal invites with warmer, more low-key emails.

We know this isn’t everyone’s style, but in case it’s yours, we wanted to share a more casual meeting reminder template. Here you go:

Subject line: Don’t forget! Meeting with (name) at (time) on (date)!

Hi (name)!

Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten?!

You scheduled a meeting with (name) at (time) on (date) via (meeting platform).

I’ll see you then – if I don’t hear from you first!

(your name)

… Or, if you don’t like that one, try this one instead:

Gentle nudge for an upcoming meeting

Subject line: Friendly reminder: meeting on (date) at (time)

Hey (name)!

Just dropping in to let you know that we have a meeting penciled in for (date) at (time) on (meeting platform).

See you soon!
(your name)

Feel free to jazz these templates up however you like with your lingo and style. Don’t overdo it and turn your gentle reminder follow-up email into a “cringy” one.

Tip: Consider messaging your recipient outside of email. Send a personalized LinkedIn connection request or follow them on Twitter to establish a direct B2B channel.

‘Save the date’ reminder email

We tend to plan our work lives in days or weeks, but it’s not uncommon to book a meeting that’s weeks or even months away. Meetings like this are a bit of a gamble as sometimes, your attendee will forget about it completely.

So what can you do?

Send a follow-up email halfway between the time the meeting was scheduled and the day of the meeting. This should help jog your attendee’s memory.

Here’s an email template you can use for a meeting in the distant future:

Subject line: Save the date: (event name) – (date)!

Hello (name),

I know our meeting isn’t for a while, but I just wanted to remind you that we have a meeting scheduled for (time) on (date) via (meeting platform).

If you need to reschedule, please let me know. Otherwise, I’ll see you then.

(your name)
(phone number)

Prospecting Tip: To perk up their interest, surprise them with a business gift with Sendoso. If you choose your gift well, you’ll really grab their attention. Just make sure to choose something focused on their interests, not yours.

Sales demo reminder email

If your upcoming meeting is specifically to demo your product for the prospect, you might prefer to use your reminder message to outline an itinerary for the sales call. Giving them an itinerary upfront will build anticipation and help them work out any questions they need to ask before the demo.

Here’s how we suggest you tackle the sales demo follow-up email:

Subject line: You have a demo of (product) scheduled for (time) on (day)

Hi (name),

I’m really looking forward to showing you around (product/software) on (date) at (time) via (meeting platform).

The demo will cover how (product/software) can help (you/your business) and a few things I thought you’d find interesting like:

  • Features
  • Case study
  • Integrations
  • Q&A

I’ll also be happy to answer any questions you might have.

See you then!

(your name)
(phone number)

Speaking of sales demos, you can avoid no-shows for your booked meetings with these gift ideas for prospects.

The day before the meeting reminder

Things can change quickly between when you schedule a meeting and the meeting itself. That’s why you need to send an email 24 hours before the meeting. It gives your attendee a chance to move their schedule around before it’s too late.

We recommend using this particular reminder notification to build hype for the meeting. Include additional information about what you’ll be covering and share some resources they can use to get prepared. People are less likely to reschedule a meeting they’re excited about.

Here’s how we recommend you tackle this friendly reminder email sample:

Subject line: Quick reminder! We have an upcoming meeting at (time) tomorrow

Hi (name),

Just reminding you that we are scheduled to meet tomorrow at (time) via (meeting platform).

I plan to cover these key things:

  • X
  • Y
  • Z

Is there anything else you want to cover?

In the meantime, I thought you might get a lot from (resource).

See you tomorrow,
(your name)

The day of the meeting reminder

Finally, we come to the morning of the event. It’s now or never, and we recommend you send that reminder email.

Keep these emails direct and actionable. The idea is that you want it to arrive in their Gmail or their primary inbox by avoiding appearing promotional.

Here’s what we suggest you include:

Subject line: Zoom link for your (time) (meeting title)


I’m looking forward to our meeting today.

Here’s the link to the meeting room: (meeting link).

Please let me know if you have trouble joining the meeting room. Otherwise, I’ll see you at (time).

Best regards,
(your name)

Meeting Reminder Email Best Practices

We want to provide you with helpful tips to make your email reminders stand out in an inbox full of messages vying for your attendee’s attention.

  • Be conversational. Prospects will appreciate it if your emails sound more like they were written by a person than a robot. Using the right tone will get you the right response.
  • Be concise. People are likely to read an incoming email from their mobile app notifications. If you wouldn’t say it in a text message, don’t include it.
  • Put key details in the email subject line. It makes it easier for prospects to find your email as they scan their (often cluttered) inbox.
  • Always include key meeting details. Include the meeting purpose, meeting title, anything the attendees need to bring, and overcome any FAQs the attendee may have. Keep the additional information concise.
  • Express gratitude and grace. Accept the reality that some meetings can be exhausting. Show your gratitude and grace if people need to reschedule your upcoming meeting.
  • Include contact details so attendees can cancel or reschedule. These details should include your phone number and email address. It’s not uncommon for people will reply over a text message or plain-text email.
  • Don’t send daily reminder emails. This irritates attendees. Your aim is just to serve as a helpful reminder – not to berate them into submission. Excessive emails are a nuisance and will be swiped away like mobile app notifications.
  • Use automation and email scheduling software. This will decrease your workload substantially. Leverage intelligent marketing automation software to send emails with a dynamic date.
  • Personalize your reminder email templates. Research from McKinsey shows that 61% of consumers “expect companies to deliver personalized interactions.” Additionally, 76% of customers “get frustrated” when interactions aren’t personalized. So, make sure you address people by name.
Impersonal Email Posts Risk to Low-Loyalty Organizations (McKinsey)
Source: McKinsey

Optimize Emails for Readability & Action

One point to take to heart is that you want your appointment confirmations to be easily understood and render well on your recipient’s screens. Email analytics provider Litmus tracks the email software people use to read messages.

Email Client Market Share Stats (2022)

And the market share isn’t one to overlook. Apple devices account for almost two-thirds of email consumption, more than twice that of Gmail.

The bottom line here is you need to make certain your meeting reminder emails look great on iPhones, iPads, and Apple Mail.

How To Send Meeting Reminders Automatically

Sometimes it’s necessary to dispatch a reminder email from a meeting platform.

Why? Zoom is most likely whitelisted by email providers and includes any dial-in info, passcodes, and app links to attend meetings.

How to Send Confirmation Emails in Zoom

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click the Meetings or Webinars page.
  3. Find the scheduled session you wish to edit and click on the topic.
  4. Click on the Invitations tab (for Webinars) or the Registration tab (for Meetings).
  5. Find the Manage Attendees (Webinars) or Manage Registrants (Meetings)section and click Edit or View on the right-hand side. This will open the list of registrants for this meeting or webinar.
  6. Click on the Approved tab (this may not be visible if using automatic approval) and find the name of the registrant.
  7. Click on their name and then the Resend Confirmation Email button to send the confirmation email to the registrant again.
  8. (Optional) Resend confirmation emails in bulk by selecting multiple registrants and clicking the Resend Confirmation Email button.

Avoid No-Shows With Reminder Email Templates

Sending well-timed confirmation emails can be the difference between your prospect forgetting about your upcoming event and them showing up on time and prepared.

For extra firepower, send personal, relevant, and thoughtful gifts from Sendoso. Your sales team will appreciate having new ways to connect with prospects and customers.

It’s worth investing in your reminder emails – choose a template that aligns with your brand’s friendly tone, consider your email subject lines, personalize it to your recipient, and keep it simple.

We hope the email templates we shared in this article helped you navigate the often tricky world of sending email reminders. Feel free to use them all.

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