
INTENTional ABX from Anonymous to Advocate

In a world demanding more sustainability and budget accountability, Intent data is your secret to confidently delivering Account-Based Everything (ABX) more effectively. From surfacing in-market accounts for sales teams, to expanding customer relationships and knowing which accounts to target with social and display ads, Intent data is your empirical guide on where to focus your budget and energy.

Join this session to hear exactly how today’s marketing, sales, and customer experience teams are using Intent data for better outcomes throughout the entire buyer journey.

Out of the Box is a virtual experience bringing together 35 account-based leaders to discuss what it takes to execute an Account-Based strategy across every stage of the revenue funnel. Enjoy Bombora’s inspirational session from this event!

A black background with blue dots on it

INTENTional ABX from Anonymous to Advocate

In a world demanding more sustainability and budget accountability, Intent data is your secret to confidently delivering Account-Based Everything (ABX) more effectively. From surfacing in-market accounts for sales teams, to expanding customer relationships and knowing which accounts to target with social and display ads, Intent data is your empirical guide on where to focus your budget and energy.

Join this session to hear exactly how today’s marketing, sales, and customer experience teams are using Intent data for better outcomes throughout the entire buyer journey.

Out of the Box is a virtual experience bringing together 35 account-based leaders to discuss what it takes to execute an Account-Based strategy across every stage of the revenue funnel. Enjoy Bombora’s inspirational session from this event!


INTENTional ABX from Anonymous to Advocate

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A black background with blue dots on it

Webinar Details

In a world demanding more sustainability and budget accountability, Intent data is your secret to confidently delivering Account-Based Everything (ABX) more effectively. From surfacing in-market accounts for sales teams, to expanding customer relationships and knowing which accounts to target with social and display ads, Intent data is your empirical guide on where to focus your budget and energy.

Join this session to hear exactly how today’s marketing, sales, and customer experience teams are using Intent data for better outcomes throughout the entire buyer journey.

Out of the Box is a virtual experience bringing together 35 account-based leaders to discuss what it takes to execute an Account-Based strategy across every stage of the revenue funnel. Enjoy Bombora’s inspirational session from this event!


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