
Lessons in Sends: Sendoso’s Holiday gift-giving strategies

Holiday sends are a valuable way to show appreciation and drive revenue. But with supply-chain delays worldwide, it’s more important than ever to get started early. Want to spread holiday cheer? Plan ahead and beat the rush this year! It’s never too early to start planning for the holidays! Join our live webinar on August 30th to get tips and tricks for stress-free holiday sends.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • Hot Tips for Stress-Free Holiday
  • Holiday Sends: Send Curation Team
  • Marketplace Holiday Gifts for Everyone
  • … and more!
A black background with blue dots on it

Lessons in Sends: Sendoso’s Holiday gift-giving strategies

Holiday sends are a valuable way to show appreciation and drive revenue. But with supply-chain delays worldwide, it’s more important than ever to get started early. Want to spread holiday cheer? Plan ahead and beat the rush this year! It’s never too early to start planning for the holidays! Join our live webinar on August 30th to get tips and tricks for stress-free holiday sends.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • Hot Tips for Stress-Free Holiday
  • Holiday Sends: Send Curation Team
  • Marketplace Holiday Gifts for Everyone
  • … and more!

Lessons in Sends: Sendoso’s Holiday gift-giving strategies

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A black background with blue dots on it

Webinar Details

Holiday sends are a valuable way to show appreciation and drive revenue. But with supply-chain delays worldwide, it’s more important than ever to get started early. Want to spread holiday cheer? Plan ahead and beat the rush this year! It’s never too early to start planning for the holidays! Join our live webinar on August 30th to get tips and tricks for stress-free holiday sends.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • Hot Tips for Stress-Free Holiday
  • Holiday Sends: Send Curation Team
  • Marketplace Holiday Gifts for Everyone
  • … and more!


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