March 17, 2024

5 Ways Computer Network & Security Companies are Seeing Sending Success

Nova Halliwell
Nova Halliwell

A black background with orange and white lines

With so many people suddenly working from home, demand for cybersecurity products and services has never been higher. The problem? The pandemic has made it even harder for sales and marketing professionals at cybersecurity organizations to break through the noise and reach their targets.

Luckily, the cybersecurity industry knows a thing or two about responding to disruption.

With the right tool set and partners, it’s possible to craft campaigns that will help companies meet and exceed their sales and marketing goals—no matter how crowded or chaotic the market may be.

Here we explore five cybersecurity companies that are using Sendoso to drive revenue, increase their pipeline, and boost ROI through creative, personalized, and relevant sending campaigns.

5 Successful Sendoso Plays for Driving Revenue, Pipeline, and ROI in the Cybersecurity Industry

1. Arctic Wolf Drove a 72% Webinar Attendance Rate and Influenced 41 New Opportunities

As a result of COVID-19, Arctic Wolf, the market leader in security operations, needed to quickly pivot from hosting hundreds of in-person events to a completely virtual strategy. To incentivize registration and attendance at webinars and other digital events, Arctic Wolf offered registrants Uber Eats gift cards through Sendoso eGifts. They also drove conversion post-event through branded swag and creative sends, like puzzles.

Arctic Wolf’s investment across campaigns totaled less than $1000 for May and June 2020, but drove unbelievable results, including:

  • 41 influenced new opportunities
  • 27 closed-won deals, equating to +20% of quarterly revenue
  • 72% webinar attendance rate—1.3X the industry benchmark
  • 9% average conversion rate from MQL to SQL

2. ExtraHop Increased Pipeline Influence by 1400% and Grew Return on Pipeline 57X

Prior to partnering with Sendoso, ExtraHop, a cloud-native network detection and response service provider, managed direct mail efforts by hand. This not only drew considerable resources away from higher value sales efforts, but also prevented the company from capturing important pipeline influence data.

ExtraHop engaged Sendoso to streamline and automate manual activities, integrating these processes within and Salesforce. They also developed a “two-touch strategy,” which leveraged small gifts, like Nespresso pods and branded mugs, to get the attention of key prospects and increase secured meetings. The first send was followed by a bigger-ticket item, like a Nespresso machine, to continue to strengthen relationships with key prospects after the initial meeting.

Taken together, this one-two punch delivered an incredible 1400% increase in pipeline influenced, a 57X return on pipeline, and a 15% increase in meetings set to held conversion rate.

3. FireMon Exceeded Its ROI Goal by 570%

Given the explosion of webinars and “lunch and learns” in the COVID era, FireMon, a network security policy platform, wanted to shake things up. Working with Sendoso, the company decided to have a series of small events based on each sales team’s territory. The twist? Instead of yet another lunchtime webinar, FireMon hosted “Sips & Security” cocktail classes—highly targeted, exclusive events for dedicated security professionals at established companies.

Once registered, participants were sent a cocktail kit, including spirits, via Sendoso. Following the event, FireMon sent gift cards for participants to “get the next round on us!” and prompted them to schedule follow-up meetings.

The strategy paid dividends, driving a 57% conversion rate from registrant to attendee and beating the ROI goal by 570%.

4. Rapid7 Leveraged eGifts to Engage Customers During an Uncertain Time

Rapid7, a cybersecurity service provider, took COVID-19 as an opportunity to transform their direct mail strategy from a completely manual process that drained internal resources to a streamlined eGift sending campaign with Sendoso.

eGifts helped Rapid7 stay top-of-mind with customers, as well as focus efforts on higher-value sales actions. As a result, Rapid7 has generated several new opportunities with active customers and net new or lost customers.

5. Lacework Reduced Manual Work by 80% and Increased Campaign Scale by 400%

Like ExtraHop and Rapid7, Lacework, a cloud security and compliance service provider, was managing direct mail campaigns manually. The company initially engaged Sendoso to streamline “door-opener” activity with prospects. However, once the company experienced traction, the marketing team expanded their efforts to create several custom campaigns.

For example, Lacework engaged Sendoso to create and launch a “Block the Noise” campaign, which used high-value gifts, such as noise-cancelling headphones, to drive conversion.

The creativity of Lacework’s direct mail campaigns paid off. Results include:

  • 21% of 2020 closed-won deals included a Sendoso touch
  • 80% reduction in time spent on direct mail
  • 4X scaling of batch sends

When we asked Lacework Sr. Marketing Campaign Manager Amy Vosters how many hours Sendoso has saved her, she joked, “Too many to count!”

Want to learn how your organization can drive efficiency, revenue, pipeline and ROI through creative sends? Schedule a demo today.

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