February 17, 2024

Drinks On Us! ABM Expert Shakes Up Marketing Strategy


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A Texas-based company is serving up marketing success one cocktail at a time. Although their business has nothing to do with the alcohol industry.

HighRadius is in fintech.

Actually, HighRadius is the leader in accounts receivable automation to be more exact. Yet, it’s their marketing team shaking things up with their spirited corporate gifts. HighRadius is embracing the Sendoso Sending Platform™ to score more high-value accounts, increasing their bookings by 366%, and accelerating their sales cycle.

Marketing Analyst Erin Guerre developed their winning recipe. Now she’s sharing her expert advice on how cocktail kits transformed their account-based marketing strategy.

Advice: Plan to Solve Pain Points

Guerre loves celebrating her team’s success. However, she’s quick to point out that her success started as a pain point.

Her expert advice: get a plan.

Her marketing team was struggling with booking meetings at conferences. She knew HighRadius needed to stand out in order to attract decision-makers.

The fintech company had been using Sendoso for corporate gifting before Guerre stepped into her role. However, their sending was limited to one campaign a year. She had seen the positive feedback, the Sendoso gifting options, and wanted to try something new.

So she hustled to map out a plan.

The HighRadius marketing team would offer cocktail kits curated by Sendoso Direct to any new clients who signed up for a one-on-one meeting during their next conference. The initial offer was sent to everyone on their conference attendee list.

Advice: Create Data-Driven Campaigns

Guerre admits it takes more than a plan to launch a new marketing strategy. She had to get HighRadius leadership on board which took some convincing.

The marketing expert recommends doing your homework and knowing your data.

“I had a deep understanding of how it could work and stood up for the idea. I’m sort of slow to abandon things, but the Sendoso cocktail kit made me a believer.”

It was the data that won over HighRadius executives who gave her a chance to test her theory.

The test didn’t disappoint. The margarita cocktail kits were massively successful for the team.

Sendoso Direct even tailored the kits for those who live in states unable to receive alcohol via the United States Postal Service.

The positive feedback was instant unlike traditional forms of marketing.

Advice: Roll Successful Campaigns into New Opportunities

The cocktail kits helped HighRadius crush their conference goals.

Happy prospects equaled higher meeting attendance rates. Guerre’s team was able to secure 12 meetings during that first conference. Typically, they’d only land a few. Of those 12 meetings, they scored an 80% attendance rate.

The success fired up the leadership team too after seeing Guerre’s report.

“It’s incredible seeing my hard work pay off. It’s important for me to share these insights with upper management. It shows our journey of how we got there.”

That leads Guerre to her final piece of advice. She suggests looking for creative ways to roll successful campaigns into new opportunities.

HighRadius is now leveraging more of Sendoso’s offerings in this way.

Turning Risks into Rewards

Guerre finds joy in sharing what she has learned after her campaigns. She knows direct mail is effective because most people have never received it.

The surprise factor is a hit for clients.

She isn’t afraid to take risks to reap the rewards.

“With the work I’m doing with Sendoso and our team, I’ve received a lot of good feedback. They really enjoy being able to read the data and get a stronger sense of what we’re doing and how it’s performing.”

HighRadius marketing coordinators across the team are now looking forward to implementing more of Sendoso’s direct mail campaigns.

As for Guerro, her success is helping her more effectively target clients. She recommends trying Sendoso to streamline the process and create memorable marketing experiences.

“It’s one of the things that’s so underused right now that will blow up in the next few years. Use it now when you can have a great impact from it.”

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