March 21, 2024

Making B2B Experiences More Personal in 2024

Lauren Barraco
Lauren Barraco

A black background with orange and white lines

This post is brought to you by Sendoso Sr. Director of Product Marketing Lauren Barraco.

If 2020 had a catchphrase, it would be this: expect the unexpected.

Each month has come with new challenges, and we’ve had to meet them with new solutions. The same rings true for our businesses. The need for bold, innovative ways to break through the deafening digital noise has never been stronger than it is right now, and the noise is only getting louder as we enter 2021.

In order for companies to truly make an impact, we need to make our virtual reality feel more connected. We’ve got to make it personal.

Developing meaningful connections requires giving your customers a memorable experience (even inspiring “wow” moments) that will keep them engaged — requiring a far more creative approach.

Today, we’ve launched several new features on our Sending Platform that can deliver those memorable experiences to your hard-to-reach prospects and customers — making virtual more personal, and enabling the creation of experiences at scale. These experiences will help you stand out, keep deals moving, close more deals and renewals, build strong relationships, and get buyers to take action.

Here are some ways we’re making it easier for businesses to connect and make an impact in 2020 and beyond:

Create Memorable Experiences

Send an Experience

With the return of in-person events still unclear, virtual events and experiences are certainly here to stay. But there’s a delicate balance between digital engagement and digital fatigue.

That’s why we’re introducing Sendoso Experiences, where you can make meaningful virtual connections like never before. Host virtual wine-tastings or send options for cooking, cocktail-making, or dance class experiences that your recipients can enjoy at home with their families and friends. Talking to a prospect who said they really missed their trip to Cabo this year? Send an Airbnb cooking class so they can learn to make delicious street tacos at home!

No matter which experience you choose to send, you’ll be making a lasting impression that will surely continue any conversation and keep you top of mind with decision makers.

An Easier Sendoso User Experience: New Integrations with Zapier, Transcend, and ABM Platforms

Connect to any of the other apps you’re already using

Welcome to the Zapier ecosystem. Our new integration with Zapier allows you to connect Sendoso with over 2,000 apps like Slack, Docusign, Microsoft Dynamics, ActiveCampaign, and oh-so much more.

Get and stay GDPR compliant

Using Transcend? Great, now you can stay GDPR compliant by connecting Sendoso to your Transcend account, and simply remove customer data from Sendoso with just one click.

Automate and measure from the tools you’re already using

Sendoso is a critical channel for any ABX strategy. Our new integration with multiple ABM tools like 6sense, Engagio, Terminus, Bombora, and Rollworks enables you to turn data into action and measure ROI within your platform.

Book More Meetings and Drive More Revenue

Require a Meeting Before Sending

Struggling to get time on the calendar with key decision-makers or customers? Offer an eGift in exchange for booking a meeting. Your recipients can enjoy lunch or coffee on you while you chat, making it more desirable for them to free up time.

With our meeting scheduler, you can add a step to your eGift sends that requires recipients to schedule time with you before their eGift can be redeemed. Meetings can be booked through Calendly and Chili Piper, and you can track meetings booked to measure the success of your outreach.

Bring Your Brand Home with Address Confirmation

Our Address Confirmation launch earlier this year was a game changer when it came to connecting with recipients no matter where they’re currently working. Now, we’re giving you even more control over how you execute Address Confirmation sends, helping you increase response rates.

Reminder emails will now be automatically sent before the Address Confirmation period expires. Additionally, you are able to adjust the expiration date from 2-7 days, giving people more time to provide their preferred address, and increasing the chance your sends will arrive right on schedule.

Make The Most Out of Your Time and Budget

Teams everywhere have been asked to do more with much less all year long. Our platform now further enables you to save some of your most valuable, precious resources — time and money. Here’s how:

Review & Approve Triggered Sends

Have greater control over your automated sends and greater visibility into what’s going out with our Triggered Send Approval. Now you can add an approval step to any send that’s automatically triggered from Salesforce, Marketo, Hubspot, or Eloqua, and reject or approve sends as needed.

Estimate the Cost of Your Sends

Our new quoting calculator gives you visibility into the estimated cost of shipping for any manual sends, helping stay within your budget.

Use the calculator to estimate the cost of your inventoried sends from our warehouse, including postage and any additional fees, so you have a better idea of how much your send will cost before you execute anything.

Campaign Creation Enhancements

The process of campaign creations just got a whole lot easier. Our new campaign creation enhancement allows you to create a campaign while you’re creating a Touch, and then save it as a preset. This combination of steps saves time when setting up new touches, giving you more time back in your day.

Be Remembered

The poet John Keats is famously quoted as saying, “Nothing ever becomes real ‘till it is experienced.”

Business is no different.

A recent Accenture study shows that 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands who recognize, remember, and provide relevant offers and recommendations.

The experiential power of Sendoso makes the impossible, possible, connecting teams with prospects they couldn’t reach before. Strategic sending of direct mail and gifts—and now Sendoso Experiences—consistently delivers the strongest ROI for engaging, acquiring, and retaining customers in our new normal.

The features above all give you the courage to create new memories in order to hit your retention and revenue goals now and in the future.

So how will you make your outreach unforgettable in 2020 and 2021?

Register to attend this live webinar, How to Create Memorable Experiences That Drive Revenue, on October 27 at 10 a.m. PST to learn more!

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