March 4, 2024

How to Personalize Marketing Gifts for National Sending Day


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  • Nearly 80% of professionals feel appreciated when they receive a business gift.
  • Prospects are 30x more likely to respond to direct mail marketing than an email.
  • Personalizing direct mail marketing takes extra time but produces better ROI.

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Everyone likes to receive gifts. Whether it is a small box of chocolates or a nice bottle of single malt scotch, receiving a gift makes people feel special and appreciated.

That includes the prospects in your pipeline. While B2B marketing teams always remember to send corporate gifts during the holidays, gifts can be used throughout the year to build connections and strengthen relationships with customers.

Even in March.

National Sending Day is an official Sendoso holiday celebrated on March 10. It’s designed to celebrate and inspire making meaningful connections with clients.

A survey of business professionals found that 77% say business gifts make them feel appreciated, and 67% believe gifts show that the sender values the relationship.

Get Personal on National Sending Day

While everyone likes to receive a little something special, gift ideas that are personalized bring the experience to an entirely new level.

Celebrate National Sending Day by elevating your gifting strategy with personalized gifting. Sendoso can help add personal touches through its automated direct mail platform. Consider including a personalized note with your next gift or send something that shows you know what they like. The right personal touches are what builds connections so you’re always top-of-mind.

“People love getting an unexpected surprise,” said Carol Meyers, Sendoso Board Advisor. “And when you give a gift, you show them that you’ve done a little bit of homework about them, and you know what things they like. I think that the future of account-based marketing and personalized gifting is just going to be huge for B2B marketing.”

Maximize Direct Mail ROI

An added benefit of personalized gifts is that they land right on your prospect’s desk instead of their inbox or junk mail. Your prospect is 30 times more likely to respond to direct mail marketing than if you just sent an email.

People love when a package arrives with their name on it!

If you personalize messages and send follow-up gifts, then you won’t have to worry as much about the right balance between digital and direct mail.

Kris Rudeegraap

CEO & Co-Founder

Personalized gifts don’t just make customers more willing to buy from you. They can forge brand loyalty that turns into brand affinity. Customers that have this type of emotional connection with brands represent 306% higher lifetime value.

“We typically have a 6 to 18-month sales cycle. When Sendoso is put into play, we see a much shorter sales cycle,” said Katie Dunn, Demand Generation Marketing Manager, Rollworks.

Savvy B2B marketers can take the time to send a personalized gift to hit home for prospects and develop your relationship with them. Ninety-six percent of digital marketers say that personalization advances customer relationships.

“It’s less about the actual gift and more about what it means coming from the person who sent it,” said Samara Marketing Manager Katie Downey.

Personalized Smart Gifting Strategy

There is no one way to create the perfect gift for corporate decision-makers. When selecting a gift, start by analyzing the value of the connection. Consider the length of service, the value of their accounts and/or referrals, and your target audience.

Next, set a budget that will allow you to show your appreciation. Once settled on a range for your item(s) and packaging, you have a world of creative and fun gift ideas at your disposal.

Be sure to include a personalized message. This is your opportunity to showcase your knowledge about your customer and their organization.

Research if they or the organization focuses on social impact causes, then send gifts that represent or further that cause. Learn about the local area where their organization is located to find something unique about it, then send gifts that showcase that uniqueness.

In terms of personalization, first off, you really have to know your buyer. There’s no skipping over first-party research that you should be doing as a marketer.

Alex Ortiz


Recognize and celebrate professional and personal milestones. Did they just get promoted? Did they just get married? Did they just finish a 5K? These are all opportunities for new, personal touchpoints that build relationships.

“As a rep, we can all do a little more than send out templates and go through 50 cold calls a day. The extra five minutes it takes to read their LinkedIn bio and find their Twitter really makes a difference,” said Giano Fiore an SDR at Sendoso.

Fiore recommends focusing on favorite movies, interesting hobbies, sports teams, or even notable travel locations. He also echoes the importance of a handwritten note. Or congratulate them on a new product launch or expansion.

Corporate Gift Strategies that Work

Not sure what to send? Sendoso is releasing some of their most popular gifting ideas in honor of National Sending Day. From desserts to spirits to eGift cards – there’s an option to fit any client.

The importance isn’t solely in the quality you choose to highlight. The real power of the gift is in the expression of their value that comes from researching and selecting a gift specifically with them in mind.

There are so many creative gifts B2B marketers can send to get your customer’s attention. Check out these success stories for inspiration or request a demo.

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