March 4, 2024

7 Gifting Tips from One SDR to Another

Giano Fiore
Giano Fiore

Sending Specialist at Sendoso
A black background with orange and white lines

For remote sales development representatives, there are limited ways to build personalized connections in a virtual workspace. You can’t shake hands with prospects or take them out to lunch.

Modern Direct Mail Movement

It’s partly why direct mail marketing has become so popular amongst SDRs. Now sales teams are using gifting instead of traditional lunches.

It’s a modern direct mail movement that is so big that it even has a holiday – National Sending Day on March 10. The special day is dedicated to connecting with clients through the power of sending.

Luckily, with the right tools, there are ways to build professional relationships online on any day.

But don’t get stuck packing and shipping boxes yourself. Choose a sending platform like Sendoso to automate your direct mail. Then, try these 7 tips to make sure you get the most out of every send.

1. Research, Research, Research!

Sending a basic gift like wine or cookies will get you noticed. But you can guarantee your prospect never forgets you by sending something that tugs on their heartstrings.

Dig into LinkedIn bios, professional Twitter pages, recent posts, and bios on their company or personal website. Use Sendoso’s Amazon integration to send them something special.

While researching, look for information regarding your prospect’s pets, favorite movies, interesting hobbies, favorite sports teams, notable travel locations. Here’s what one prospect wrote after she received a coloring book of her favorite movie:

Such a clever, spot-on, well-researched, personalized, and to-the-point outreach! Incredibly well done. Alas, I’m the wrong person to talk to… this would be handled by our marketing team. That being said, I just had to respond and common on your approach.

I forwarded it to my managers and hunters. Great example of high care-factor.

Have a great day!

2. Avoid Bribery at All Costs

You’re doing it all wrong if your gift sounds like a bribe to take a meeting!

Avoid using language like, “sending you this gift in exchange for your time.”

Instead, get creative with your call to action and use your send as a conversation starter – not a meeting setter. Good sales tactics should feel natural. Below is an example of an excellent send email by Taylor Griffith at Clari.

3. Put Thought into a Handwritten Note

With Sendoso, your messaging doesn’t end when clients read your first email and accept your gift. On the other side, they should receive a handwritten note from you. Sendoso even offers handwritten notes on branded stationary.

Use your note as an opportunity to make another impression like Graci Fulkerson did.

4. Ask Them to Grab Coffee or Lunch

If your prospect lived near you, it wouldn’t be unusual to meet up for lunch or coffee. Try using your eGift as a way to sit down for a conversation, instead of as a gift. Pair your eGift card with something like, “mind if we sit down for a quick lunch and learn on me?”

Pitfalls to avoid: don’t use bribery in your offer. Edit out language like, “Can I get some time on your calendar? I’ll send you a gift card for your time.”

5. Keep Them Updated on Delivery

Make sure you keep prospects updated on when their gift is arriving. It gives you an extra touchpoint and lets them know that you care about them receiving it. A simple email like this will do:

Hey John, just got notified that your (gift) is in transit today! Let me know when it makes it to you.

6. Thoughtful, Yet Simple

It can be tough to find a nugget of information for a creative send for prospects who don’t get personal on social media.

There is nothing wrong with wine or chocolate if you’ve done your research and can’t come up with any unique ideas. But make it personal!

Hey Sarah, I know how thankless your job can be. I don’t know what I would do without our sales op team and thought you deserved a thanks from an SDR. Sending you this wine to let you know you’re appreciated!

7. Mix It Up

Your gift doesn’t always have to be in an introduction email. In fact, for a first touch it might be best to not send a gift.

Make sure you have the right email before spending your gifting budget. Save those most thoughtful gifts for your follow-up on qualified leads up and you’ll see responses increase dramatically!

Giano Fiore - SDR

About the writer: Giano Fiore is a sales development representative at Sendoso where he connects prospects with personalization + Sendoso. He believes sending creates more deals, more conversions, and more meetings.

Want to chat about creative ideas for your team? Get creative with Giano and book time with his creative mind.

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