January 8, 2024

Gifts boost B2B marketing team’s revenue by 333%


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  • Challenge: How to stand out among above-the-line personas in a newly remote world.
  • Solution: Roll out Sendoso to the company’s marketing and business development representatives team.
  • Results: Adding automated corporate gifting to the workflow increased the meeting set rate by 35%.

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We are no longer remote skeptics thanks to Sendoso. We can send gifts and host virtual events that actually drive results.

Getting the attention of top sales executives can be a challenge for any B2B marketing team. How do you get the relationship started?

Fortunately, many companies have discovered that the answer to that question is simpler than you might think—with Sendoso’s help.

That very question was at the top of the action list for one company that helps technology companies expand their sales footprint through B2B outsourced sales.

The company provides quota-based outsource sales with some of the most recognizable tech companies in the world.

“These companies come to us because they want to expand their sales reach,” said Senior Manager of Demand Generation and Account-Based Marketing Amy W. “They either don’t want to stand up a new sales team in-house, or they’re looking to augment or expand their existing team with an outsourced play.”

The company’s target customers include VPs, directors, and other above-the-line personas—many with little or no spare time. Leaders are tasked with generating and nurturing leads from companies with $250M+ in revenue.

Triggering conversations with corporate gifting

They partnered with Sendoso in an effort to gain the attention of buyers. Amy found success with a one-to-one account-based marketing (ABM) campaign focused on sending personalized gifts to prospects celebrating important milestones.

“I watch LinkedIn like a hawk to see when one of our targets gets promoted, moves to a new company, or is even having a baby. Then I’ll send them a nice, custom gift,” she said. “It’s such a personal way to connect with them and trigger a conversation that otherwise would not have happened.”

This strategy helped the company book an appointment with an account they had been prospecting for many years. When they learned the head of sales for the company was promoted, the team sent him a bottle of wine from a Sendoso vendor.

“We weren’t getting any traction at all with this company,” remembered Amy. “He finally got back to me to thank us for such a beautiful gift.”

The gift was enough to secure a meeting with the team, which was a huge win for the company.

Be genuine with a personalized invite

Amy’s team also had to pivot during the pandemic, finding new ways to connect to prospects at remote events.

They partnered with Sendoso to host a remote wine tasting and networking event with In Good Taste. Through Sendoso Experiences, Amy sent each recipient a personalized invite.

“We do not believe in automated email marketing for something like this,” she added. “It’s simply not genuine enough.”

A few days before the event, Sendoso sent attendees eight mini bottles of wine. They were used for a tasting and networking hour by In Good Taste.

“The attendees loved it,” said Amy. “We had a hard time ending the event because they were enjoying networking during the happy hour!”

Wine Tasting

Unique experiences drive engagement

The specialized gifting encouraged 88% of the invited guests to attend the tasting.

After the event, Amy’s team set five follow-up meetings. It was so successful, they planned more tastings in the future to focus on customer success leaders.

The team found that unique experiences made an impact on attendees. They found those events drove more engagement than a typical sales pitch.

“Sendoso has helped us achieve these amazing conversion rates during virtual events,” added Amy.

The company used Sendoso for its targeted account-based inbound and outbound outreach program. They also used unique information from Sendoso to create LinkedIn ads driving specific brands to custom web pages. Teams also found Sendoso useful in its educational webinars and podcasts.

With these tactics in place, the company saw a 333% increase in marketing-contributed revenue. And by the start of Q3, they were already at 70% of the previous year’s numbers.

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