February 24, 2024

Gifting Feedback Fuels New Connections for SDRs


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The power of sending is creating a ripple effect for one Houston-based company. Gifting has not only changed the way HighRadius does business. It’s also changed how clients respond and how their sales development reps feel about working from home.

These days when Erin Guerre is asked what she does for a living, she immediately smiles.

Her role as a marketing analyst for the autonomous accounting software company, HighRadius, couples her love for creativity and crunching numbers.

Now she’s seeing both grow since integrating Sendoso into HighRadius’ marketing strategy.

“It’s exciting to see KPIs growing. It’s a cool job to have and a fun program to run.”

Targeted Corporate Gifting Campaigns

Guerre works to find unique ways to make connections with decision-makers at some of the world’s largest companies.

However, she admits that connecting with VPs and CFOs at Global 2000 companies can be tough. It’s why Guerre uses gifting to incentivize prospects into booking and keeping meetings.

“I’m glad I get to do it with Sendoso, rather than doing it all on my own. Without Sendoso, it’s like searching for something in the dark.”

Sendoso streamlines account-based direct mail from beginning to end. For Guerre, it’s the key to creating thoughtful campaigns to surprise her clients.

“I think Sendoso is one of the most creative ways to target potential customers.”

Guerre finds joy in landing each campaign. No two campaigns are the same. So Guerre knows no matter what she gives, it will always set a meeting. There is a big learning curve but she’s enjoying the ride.

Creative Sends Spark Ripple Effect

One reason Guerre enjoys her work is because of the positive feedback she gets from both sides.

Sendoso’s tools have empowered HighRadius’s sales development reps to send a mix of eGifts and direct mail. The SDRs feel good knowing they get to be generous with their clients. In some cases, their gifts are creating a ripple effect.

“Fun, creative direct mail is attention-getting.”

For Cinco de Mayo, the HighRadius team sent curated boxes with mini piñatas. They were a big hit according to Guerre.

One client even messaged the team to thank them for the thoughtful gift. His wife, a teacher, used the piñata in the classroom to explain the meaning behind Cinco de Mayo in a bright and colorful way. He wrote that the kids loved the piñata.

It’s feedback like this that makes Guerre’s team feel proud.

Even indirect gifts are getting HighRadius noticed.

Guerre shared how a simple box of cookies led to a new connection.

Her team had sent cookies with the HighRadius logo to a client. The client then shared one of those cookies with a marketing director for another company.

Later, that marketing director contacted Guerre. She shared how the little dessert made her day.

“That was wild because then she took the time to pass her thoughts along to me.”

Suddenly, Guerre was getting two connections out of one send.

Effortless Campaigns with Instant Results

Successful campaigns can even lead to next-day results.

Guerre built instant rapport after a recent marketing campaign targeting clients on LinkedIn. Specifically, she was looking for clients who had switched jobs or been promoted to decision-making roles.

Guerre paired Sendoso with LinkedIn Premium Spotlight to celebrate these promotions. She uploaded her target accounts via LinkedIn. She used the data to filter any clients who had moved roles. Each client who met the criteria received a bottle of champagne to congratulate them on their new role.

“A lot of these people have never received an item of direct mail before so to them it’s a real surprise and delight.”

HighRadius secured their first meeting from the champaign campaign within 24-hours.

For Guerre, the campaign was nearly effortless. Champaign and wine are some of Sendoso’s most popular corporate gifts. Sendoso users can choose from a large gift library, add branded merchandise, and attached a notecard. Sendoso makes sure the messaging is celebratory, handles packaging, shipping, and tracking leaving HighRadius to only enjoy the success.

Sends Create a Shift in Morale

The positive feedback is fueling change internally at HighRadius too.

HighRadius only sent one gift a year to potential clients before using Sendoso. Now, Guerre is doing things differently.

“Going from one gift for the entire year, to now running over a dozen campaigns at any given moment is a massive difference.”

Guerre believes there is power in giving. It’s even more impactful when you are able to personalize it. Her focus is to build strong B2B relationships by using a blend of gifts throughout the sales cycle.

The success of sending has changed the way SDRs develop qualified leads too. Each sales rep now has their own gifting budget to use at their discretion. The move even created a shift in morale.

“It’s great to see how creative they get and how fired up they are when they set a meeting.”

The change came at a critical time because the COVID-19 pandemic grounded their sales team. Guerre says incorporating sending into their workflow empowered the SDRs as they adjusted to working from home.

The level of collaboration at HighRadius continues to reach new levels as they lean into corporate gifting.

Check out the HighRadius case study to see how they increased meeting bookings by 366% by leveraging online gifting. See how the Sendoso sending platform can do the same for your company by requesting a demo.

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