April 27, 2024

How Pax8's Marketing & HR Teams Unite to Offer Vital Human Connection During COVID-19


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This piece is brought to you by Pax8 Chief Revenue Officer Nick Heddy. Based in Colorado, Pax8 provides custom cloud distribution services.The impact of the current situation reverberates across our organizations. .

Adapting Our Revenue Strategy

On the ground level, our sales strategy remains intact. But we are certainly introducing new campaigns, tactics, and resources to help our partners and their customers during this time. Digital marketing will continue to be the driver for us when delivering new campaigns to our key audiences.The field marketing department has been affected the most. Our industry is high tech, but also high touch, meaning our partner community values face-to-face events and interactions. Due to COVID-19, events worldwide are being canceled or postponed, and that has had an impact on our strategy in this area.To meet our partners’ evolving needs, we are creating new ways to communicate with them virtually. Because we cannot be face-to-face at field events for the foreseeable future, we must think outside of the box and deliver the information in new ways.Last week, we hosted a webinar about how to empower the remote workforce that attracted more than 1,300 total listeners and over 650 live attendees. This was the first time we’ve held a webinar in more than a year, and we saw an increase of 70% from previous webinar attendance. The subject matter, partners want to hear from us, and that basic desire for human contact is forcing us to connect in virtual ways.

Enabling Company-Wide Connection and Collaboration

The biggest pain point we are experiencing while in a remote workforce is the lack of face-to-face interaction, which we believe leads to strong collaboration amongst the team.We are striving to replicate this by meeting with our team more often and creating regular activities across the company. For example, the company’s Women’s Employee Resource Group, Wingwomen Committee, has set up daily virtual “Coffee & Chat” sessions. We’re also offering company-wide virtual cooking classes, yoga, meditation, and more. Individual teams are also having weekly virtual happy hours, as well. This connects our employees, even though we are not physically together during this time.

When Marketing and Human Resources Unite

We wanted to take this even further and provide a real connection for our team members.The marketing team is excitedly collaborating with human resources right now to build a digital advertising campaign targeted to our employees and surprise them when they least expect it. The objective is to boost morale and show that our culture is strong.Banner ads will target our employees across the web, which will lead to a landing page where the employee can select a piece of Pax8 merchandise. They fill out their personal address, and we’ll ship them the gift to their home. Thanks to Sendoso for enabling us to execute this new campaign (especially with the new Address Confirmation). We’re hoping to bring something special to their day, boost morale during this difficult time, and help them remember that the connections we have with each Pax8 employee remain strong.While the challenges we’re facing as a company and industry are formidable, we’re dedicated to serving our partners, their customers, and our employees. Thanks to everyone who’s continuing to create important human connections during this time.Interested to learn how other industry leaders are adapting to our new normal? Tune into to our on-demand virtual event The Show Must Go On.

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