March 4, 2024

How to Re-engage With Existing Buyers and Measure Customer Engagement


A black background with orange and white lines


  • Customers who are actively engaged are more likely to be repeat buyers and loyal customers.
  • Lean on Sendoso to send personalized gifts for your direct mail strategies.
  • A customer engagement strategy will help you measure success with buyers.

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This is part two of a two-part series on engaging with customers. For part one, check out Creative Ways to Engage With Customers & Potential Buyers.

You’ve learned how to engage with new customers and get the sales ball rolling. Now, let’s explore ways to re-engage with existing customers and how to measure customer engagement.

Launch a Customer Re-Engagement Strategy

The last thing you want to happen after you’ve worked so hard to attract new consumers is for them to abandon you. That’s why it’s critical for businesses to re-engage consumers in order to ensure that they stay invested.

To launch any customer re-engagement strategy, you’ll need customer contact info on hand. That means all these boxes should be checked in advance:

  • Creating a customer database
  • Creating a customer loyalty program
  • Offering access to interactive kiosks where your target audience can input their information
  • Collecting phone numbers or email addresses at checkout

Customers who are actively engaged and interested in your company are more likely to become repeat buyers and loyal customers for the long haul. Not to mention that acquiring new customers is about five times more expensive than keeping your existing ones! So let’s rekindle the flame with those leads that have gone cold.

Direct Mail

How can direct mail re-engage customers? First and foremost, it personalizes the experience. There’s something human about receiving a letter in the mail that makes people feel special. It feels like you’re being communicated with on a more individual level as opposed to more impersonal ways like email or social media.

According to DMA, “Direct mail is still one of the most effective ways to reach customers and prospects.” Receiving a physical impression will immediately place you top of mind with your existing client and help make a personal connection.

The Sendoso team specializes in direct sending campaigns that can recapture the minds and hearts of your pre-existing clients. You can also use Sendoso to reward customers for referrals or as a way of saying thank you. Our team of gifting experts is standing by, ready to curate custom gifting boxes and messaging that can bridge the gap and help you reconnect with high-value clients.

This customer engagement model is also the perfect way to run an enticing return promotion. Past customers are familiar with your brand and know what you do—they may just need a nudge to bring them back again. Remind them what you have to offer by running fun and exciting promotional offers that bring them back to your business.

Customer Events

Who doesn’t love an invitation to exclusive events? Make your existing customers feel like the VIPs they are. Hosting events is a highly effective way to get valuable facetime and reconnect with your existing customers.

Try renting out a room at a local restaurant or venue and prepare to share some topical industry insights. If you get into the routine of hosting a private event like this annually or better yet, biannually, you’ll guarantee that your assets don’t lose touch.

How to Measure Customer Engagement

In order to measure customer engagement, you first need to understand what it is. Customer engagement can be defined as a measure of how involved or interested your customers are in your company and its products or services.

Your customer engagement can be measured through several different factors, including customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, WOM (word-of-mouth) marketing, and social media engagement.

Choose the appropriate metrics based on the core strategies you’re leveraging in your customer engagement campaign. The key is to collect and analyze data frequently, constantly fine-tuning your strategies and zeroing in on the ones that are most effective.

Boost Your Response Rates

Sending custom branded direct mail, gifts, and swag is an effective customer engagement strategy that will boost your response rates. Using the leading Sending Platform can amplify your results by streamlining the process with your existing platforms.

To learn more about curating a custom engagement strategy, contact a Sendoso team member today.

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