February 10, 2024

Fortune Favors the Bold: How to Re-Engage Stalled Accounts (Sendoso Using Sendoso)

Meira McFarquhar
Meira McFarquhar

A black background with orange and white lines

This post is part of a series where we share strategies, experiments, and honest results from running our own programs using Sendoso.

Knock, knock.

That’s the sound of your average door-opener, meant to surprise-and-delight prospects and decision makers at first contact.

However, door-openers can do more than make great first impressions. In the wake of shrinking budgets and economic shifts due to the pandemic, sales and marketing teams need new, powerful ways to re-engage prospects and safeguard precious pipelines from stalling.

Sendoso’s Director of Sales Nick Casale can relate, as his team saw opportunities stall when the pandemic hit. So, with help from marketing, they launched an integrated sales and marketing win-back campaign to reconnect with 150 stalled accounts plus to help validate the cost versus ROI.

Each send contained five chocolate-dipped fortune cookies in a branded box, and within each cookie was a customer ROI statistic, a nod to what their “fortunes” would bring working with Sendoso.

Marketing and sales aligned to identify targets, the primary contact on the opportunity, and confirm all contacts were correct since, in some instances, new decision makers had been identified. Account executives also used this send as an opportunity to win over new contacts if they already were on solid standing with an internal champion.

Here are the campaign results:

  • 62% Response Rate using our Address Confirmation feature
  • $3.3M Pipeline Influenced
  • 26% Deals Progressed Stage Week After Send

In addition, they tracked deal velocity, engagement minutes, and ACV closed-won for the campaign. The send was also supported with display ads in paid digital, late funnel content, customer case studies, follow-up email cadences, and blogs to continue driving the conversation.

Request a custom demo to see how Sendoso can help you open doors, and for more examples of Out of the Box thinking, register to our virtual event on September 17!

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