January 8, 2024

The Key to Driving an 80% Response Rate with C-Level Execs (Sendoso Using Sendoso)

Jordan Luvisi
Jordan Luvisi

A black background with orange and white lines

This post is brought to you by Sendoso Sales Manager Jordan Luvisi and is part of a series where we share strategies, experiments, and honest results from running our own programs using Sendoso.

Because B2B solutions can be highly technical and require big budgets, B2B sellers have to win over all stakeholders involved in the buying decision — and often, that includes C-level executives. Once COVID-19 hit, companies tightened their budgets amid the economic uncertainty and the B2B buying process became even more challenging. Chief Financial Officers had a more crucial role than ever before, and it was incumbent upon us to win them over with the potential revenue impacts of investing in our solution.

At Sendoso, we had several deals in the works that we didn’t want to lose. Our sales team needed a high-value item to engage senior leaders on the buying committee.

The Strategy

To engage CFO stakeholders in late-stage deals, our sales team came up with a unique gift to introduce the Sendoso brand and value proposition with the goal of limiting friction at the end of the sales cycle.

Because we were targeting busy executives, we needed to focus on driving a high response rate. The team decided to send a “Money Tree,” a small desktop potted plant that served as a daily reminder of Sendoso and the revenue their company could generate with our solution. The plant was accompanied by a fun note demonstrating the Sendoso brand: “Money doesn’t grow on trees — but we can help your revenue grow.”

The sales team leveraged Sendoso’s Salesforce integration to send the tree to senior-level prospects at target accounts in the RFP process. We used Sendoso’s Address Confirmation feature, launched at the start of the pandemic, to confirm recipients’ addresses and ensure the gift was delivered to wherever they were working.

The Results

After running this campaign for about six months, the Sendoso team generated fantastic results:

  • 80% response rate within the C-Suite
  • 9X ROI on closed-won revenue

The Money Tree drove an impressive response rate, helping to keep Sendoso top of mind during highly competitive RFP processes. The amount of ROI we saw made this campaign a no-brainer, and the Sendoso team will continue to use it to turn pipeline into closed won deals going forward.

The Takeaway

Don’t let a single decision-maker stop a deal in its tracks. To engage C-level stakeholders in a late-stage opportunity, choose a high-value, functional gift that aligns with your brand, creates a memorable experience, and helps you stand out from other vendors in the RFP process.

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