February 20, 2024

Sales leads skyrocket with Sendoso eGift cards


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  • Challenge: Needing a creative, scalable strategy to grab the attention of a niche, marketing-savvy audience.
  • Solution: Incentivizing LinkedIn ads with $100 Uber Eats eGifts from Sendoso to book introductory calls.
  • Results: Sales qualified leads soared 505% and costs per lead decreased 43%.

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Sendoso was a huge part of this campaign. It really helped us scale.

B2B marketing professionals have a unique audience. Like you, they get marketing. But tailoring gift sends with Sendoso can move leads further down the funnel and get meetings on the books.

It was a move that quickly paid for itself for one B2B marketing company. They saw ROI and return on ad spend (ROAS) above 1000% within months of their first social campaign using Sendoso.

The company helps software companies utilize SEO, paid media, and business intelligence solutions. Eyeing those key targets, they go after marketers at mid-market B2B SaaS companies. They fill the pipeline by getting marketers’ attention and securing introductory calls.

But with such a niche audience, Paid Media Account Director Tim D. found that running profitable ads within budget was a challenge. He needed to come up with a creative hook to attract those sales-qualified leads (SQL) and book introductory calls.

Incentivize calls with eGifts cards

The company turned to LinkedIn because demographics were easy to filter. The team could target ads by industry, company size, job title, and more.

Within the ad, they leveraged Sendoso to offer something everyone appreciates: a free meal. They sought to get marketers on the hook to book introductory calls with a $100 Uber Eats eGift.

“The $100 gift card provided something valuable in exchange for someone’s time,” explained Tim. “So, it stood out from the hundreds of other messages prospects received.”

The strategy worked with an instant increase in response rates.

The $100 Uber Eats eGift was the ticket to making connections. And it allowed sales to skip ahead of the competition. Sendoso’s logistics seamlessly integrated with the ad. Sendoso only delivered the eGift after the call was completed, so no dollars were wasted on their B2B direct mail campaign.

“It intrigued our audience enough to book a call and learn more about what [we] could do for them,” Tim added.

His team triggered the eGift cards through Sendoso’s automated gifting platform. There, users can select from hundreds of eGifts options or use Sendoso Choice to curate a gift card bundle. Recipients will see the gift card choices you selected and pick their favorite.

Uber Eats, Amazon, and Visa gift cards are among the most redeemed eGifts on the Sendoso platform.

Generating pipeline and lowering acquisition costs

The company continued to run the same Sendoso eGift campaign after dramatic results were recorded in just the first few months.

Quarter-to-quarter, they saw a 505% increase in SQLs and a 43% decrease in cost per lead. It also generated a 517% increase in opportunities (defined as a prospect in the proposal stage of the sales cycle). They also saw a 44% decrease in cost per opportunity.

But executive teams always want to know the ROI of direct mail marketing.

If a corporate gifting campaign doesn’t bring in additional revenue, rework it or move on. Fortunately, Tim had impressive returns to show off. The Sendoso campaign resulted in a whopping 1,319% ROI and a 1,419% return on ad spend (ROAS).

Replicating direct mail efforts

Within the first couple of months, the company was hitting all their KPIs with the Sendoso campaign. They were successfully booking introductory calls with marketers at software companies at a cost per SQL far lower than any other channel.

Tim even branched out to see if it would work on other social platforms once the campaign’s results on LinkedIn materialized.

The team capitalized on the diverse ad formats on Instagram and Facebook to reach even more qualified leads. Again, they used a similar Sendoso eGift with their call to action.

Gift ideas tailored with Sendoso

The team continued to run the Sendoso introductory call campaign and each month saw consistently strong results. Eventually, the campaign became even more targeted.

Sendoso’s gifting platform has a wide variety of gifting options to showcase as an incentive. So, the company further optimized their B2B direct mail marketing by personalizing gifts offered in Sendoso based on interest.

For example, prospects might see a Petco eGift incentivized ad if their profile shows that they own a dog or cat. Maybe coffee is their number-one must-have, so a Starbucks eGift would pique their interest.

Sendoso was also the go-to at other stages of the sales cycle. Once a prospect received a proposal, reps used Sendoso to send them a succulent gift. Sends are also incorporated as “thank you” gifts after customers participate in company content or submit for industry awards.

Sendoso’s options helped this B2B marketing company generate higher conversion rates and turn ads into leads.

Sendoso was a huge part of this campaign. It really helped us scale.

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