January 11, 2024

5 Ways to take your Direct Mail Campaigns to the Next Level


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Whether it’s your first direct mail send, or you’ve ran multiple direct mail campaigns, there could be ways to improve the performance of your sends. We rounded up some of the experts that work on direct mail initiatives for our customers and internally to share some tips and tricks to help you take your next campaign to a new level.

Project Manager, Lexie

Lexie is the person who has direct experience with what sends stand out and which have flopped. She works with our customers to source and send relevant and stand out items.

Lexie shares, “Add a handwritten note for extra personalization. It shows the recipient that you took the time to write a thoughtful message and adds that 1-1 touch”

Customer Success, Angus

Angus works daily with our customers – helping them create and set up effective ABM Campaigns.

Angus has 2 tips for you:

Make it Loud – use an eye catching metallic bubble mailer & packaging to get your prospect interested leave them wanting to open the package”

Add an element of surprise with sends during the slower months(everyone expects gifts during the holidays, stand out with sends in the summertime!)”

Marketing, Sara & Sruthi

Sara and Sruthi work on all our direct mail campaigns with set up, list building, and identifying the goal of the campaigns.

Sara says, “It’s key for marketing teams to have a strong coordinated play with your sales team. Start with understanding what the Call to Action is so sales can execute a flawless follow up. You have done the hard part with grabbing your prospect’s attention. So make sure to add a strong CTA in your direct mail and plan a well executed sales follow up in order to get the best results from your campaign.”

Sruthi shares, “As a marketer I am hit with an influx of emails and phone calls, but with direct mail you can stand out when you show me you know me. Nothing compares to a highly targeted gift. Take a few minutes to research your prospects on LinkedIn before selecting the gift to make it highly relevant to them and their company.”

You don’t need to just hear from us though! See how one of our customers, Radius takes their direct mail and gifting strategies to the next level.


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