March 2, 2024

Top 15 Account-Based Marketing Tools For Success In 2024


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What’s the top priority of your B2B company? Attracting new customers? Or retaining current accounts?

If it’s the latter, then having an account-based marketing strategy is key. B2B brands today realize this and are investing in ABM more than ever.

A report from Demandbase shows the budget dedicated to full ABM programs increased from 33% in 2019 to nearly 40% in 2020. We also saw an uptick in investments in early-stage ABM programs, which rose from 12% in 2019 to 22% in 2020.

If you’re also looking to start or grow your ABM campaigns, then it’s ideal to have account-based marketing tools to assist you.

Let’s take a look at what to look for in ABM tools and which are the best to use in 2022.

What Should You Look For in Account-based Marketing Tools?

With the right ABM software, you can unite teams and enhance campaigns. But you need the right tech stack to make this work.

When you have all the tools you need, you’ll be able to:

  • Focus your team on high-value targets
  • Equip your team with deeper insights
  • Make decisions based on real-time data
  • Track campaign performance
  • Optimize campaigns based on visual insights
  • Get account tracking at your fingertip
  • Drive customer lifetime value
  • See who’s ready to buy
  • Map your leads to the right accounts
  • Know more about your key account leads
  • Deliver personalized ads to target accounts

Here’s an overview of how to gauge whether an account-based marketing tool is right for you.

1. Data Quality and Accuracy

Your database is what makes your ABM campaigns shine or deteriorate. It all depends on the quality of your data. So when selecting an ABM platform, ensure it maintains a clean database. Some on the market offer data cleaning features that’ll update old information and add missing intel. This way, you have accurate emails, numbers, company names, and job roles for outreach.

2. Integration Capabilities

How well will your new ABM tool play with your other software? If it’s not a team player, then you’ll struggle to implement it, let alone get your teams to adopt it. So before making a purchase, check to see what 3rd-party integrations it has.

Ideally, you want an account-based marketing platform that’ll sync with other marketing and sales tools, such as Mailchimp and Salesforce CRM.

3. Analytics & Reporting Features

Keeping track of your ABM campaigns is critical to reaching company goals. So any tool you buy should offer reporting features that provide insights and performance data. Knowing which campaigns are successful (and which aren’t), will ensure you continue making improvements and seeing favorable results.

Some solutions offer detailed reporting while others provide basic dashboards. Make sure you choose one that gives all the details you need.

4. AI Technology

You need more than a database to store information about accounts. You need a platform that’s “smart” and can assist with scoring, tagging, directing, and targeting accounts. With this in your toolkit, you can quickly identify accounts on the verge of leaving (i.e., disengaged customers).

Or those primed for an upsell (i.e., customers actively searching for one of your solutions). It makes everyone’s job easier by flagging priority accounts and directing them to the best person to close the deal.

5. Customer Support

Customer service is another area where most vendors fall short. They often lack knowledge about specific industries and products. So, if you run into problems during implementation, you may spend hours troubleshooting what went wrong. To avoid this issue, opt for a vendor that offers IT support via phone, email, and/or chat.

6. Pricing Model

Pricing models vary widely depending on the type of ABM product you purchase. However, we recommend starting off with a free trial version. Afterward, you can decide whether this particular tool works for you.

There are two main pricing models available today: freemium and subscription. Both come with pros and cons. Here’s a quick overview of both:

Freemium – Free but Limits Functionality

Pros: No upfront costs; easy setup

Cons: Limited functionality; no updates

Subscription – Paid Monthly Fee

Pros: Unlimited functionality; regular upgrades

Cons: Requires payment every month; additional fees for advanced features

Which option is right for you? It depends on your needs. But keep in mind that the price point doesn’t necessarily mean the tool is worth paying for. There are plenty of low-priced alternatives that perform just fine.

Look for all the features you need at the best price for your budget. It’s better to spend more to get all the functionality required than to purchase a cheaper tool that won’t yield results.

Top 15 ABM Tools

So, now that you’ve got a good idea of what to expect from different ABM tools, let’s take a closer look at the top 15.

1. HubSpot Marketing Hub

HubSpot is a popular platform among marketers. It comes with a suite of tools that empower marketing teams to build a variety of campaigns. This includes account-based marketing, sales automation, social media management, email marketing, content strategy, and lead management.

With this tool, you’ll have many of the features needed to design successful inbound marketing and support customer relationship management. Some of the integrations it offers include Databox, Zendesk, Mailchimp, and Oracle Netsuite.

Prices for HubSpot begin at $50/mo for the Starter and increase to $1,780/mo for Professional, and $4,000 for Enterprise.

There are also free tools you can test out before committing to a bundle plan. This includes email marketing and contact management.

2. Marketo

Marketo is marketing automation software acquired by Adobe back in 2018. It acts as a marketing hub for 25 users. This is great, because you need a centralized lead and account database your marketing and sales teams can access.

The platform comes with necessary features for ABM campaigns, including audience segmentation and targeting, campaign and journey automation, and advanced personalization.

It also has email and social media marketing capabilities. Plus, Marketo integrates with native CRM (great, if you’re not using a 3rd-party CRM). However, it does integrate with other tools like Salesforce, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook.

There are four plans to choose from, from basic to enterprise. You’ll have to contact sales to receive a quote for the platform.

3. Pardot

Pardot is another marketing automation platform designed for marketers, but with sales enablement in mind. Since it’s a Salesforce platform, it comes with numerous features to assist account-based marketing.

Some of the notable ones include email marketing, sales alignment, AI, analytics reports, and lead generation and management. It’s a tool you can use to fully automate your campaigns, including lead gen.

Then use the CRM to nurture new customers into loyal brand advocates. The tool integrates with Zapier, Qualified, Unbounce, and Google Analytics.

Prices for Pardot are annual and begin at $1,250/mo for the Growth plan, and go up to $15,000/mo for the premium. The difference in plans deals with how many contacts you can have in your database. Three plans allow up to 10,000 contacts, and the premium enables 75,000 contacts.

4. Demandbase One

Demandbase is an ABM platform that recently acquired Engagio, a marketing automation tool. It later released Demandbase One, which is a mix of ABM and marketing automation in one platform.

It uses predictive analytics to assist marketers and salespeople with prioritizing, managing, and analyzing accounts. Plus, it empowers you to create and deliver personalized ads across multiple channels (and attribute sales to them).

It’s suitable for businesses looking to perform a mix of demand generation and account nurturing. Demandbase has several noteworthy software partners, including Salesforce, Adobe Marketing Cloud, Drupal, and Drift.

Prices for Demandbase One aren’t published, so you’ll have to schedule a demo to get a quote.

5. Uberflip

Uberflip is the tool you use when you want to create great content experiences for your customers. It empowers you to deliver timely content to targeted leads and accounts. There’s also an AI component, which is your recommendation engine for consistently delivering the best content.

The goal is to keep your customers engaged so they stick around longer (and possibly even upgrade or buy additional products or services).

The tool integrates with email, allowing marketing and sales to send content to buyers’ inboxes. Its features allow you to quickly launch campaigns, measure results, enable sales, and scale your ABM campaigns.

It helps by identifying target high-value accounts (based on ideal customer profiles), attracting them through specific channels, and then engaging them with your content. Their destination is always personalized to enhance the experience and outcomes. Uberflip also integrates with popular platforms like HubSpot, Pardot, Marketo, Google Analytics, and Oracle Eloqua.

The prices for Uberflip aren’t posted, so you’ll have to request a demo to receive access and a quote.

6. Bound

If you need to drive more leads into your ABM campaign, then Bound is a great solution. It enables you to create personalized paths for visitors to your homepage. This way, you can increase site dwell time and convert more visitors into leads and customers.

Personalization is a valuable method for driving engagement and results. Each customer receives a dedicated account manager to offer strategic advice. Plus, they provide success reports and tech support.

With this platform, you can define your target audience and determine what content they’ll see along their path. According to Bound’s website, one user saw a 236% increase in click-through rates.

There’s no price shown for this product, so you’ll have to request a demo and quote.

7. InsideView

InsideView is account-based marketing software for data management (under the Demandbase brand). Marketers can also use it to target ideal customers and discover new markets.

As for ABM campaigns, InsideView is excellent for engaging with buyers. It supplies accurate data and insights for your connections, so you can select the best accounts and times to spark a conversation.

But it’s not a CRM—it’s a customer data platform. And it does more than store information. It enriches (updates) and cleans (removes outdated information) your data. This way, your teams won’t have to worry about bounced emails and wrong phone numbers.

There’s also AI predictive modeling that helps target accounts in your ABM programs. Then with its filters, you can narrow down lists based on technologies used and buyer intent.

Prices for InsideView’s plans start at $6,000.

8. AdEspresso

Finding ways to target and re-engage your customers is possible using two things:

Content and paid ads.

If you have a special offer you want to promote, then paid advertising is the way to go. With AdEspresso, you’re getting a platform designed to create various versions of ads. Then in your dashboard, you can analyze what’s working and what isn’t.

You can do this across ad networks, such as Facebook ads, Instagram ads, and Google Adwords. All of your ad campaigns are in one dashboard, making it easy to monitor each segment and promotion.

AdEspresso is a product of HootSuite and comes with reasonable pricing. Plans start at $49/mo (billed annually), and you get a spending limit of $1,000. If you want unlimited ad spending, then you should consider the Plus plan for $99/mo or Enterprise plan for $259/mo (both billed annually).

9. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free marketing tool that does more than track website visitors. You can use it to create marketing goals and customer segments to monitor campaign performance.

It’s a great platform to use to learn more about user behaviors. Then analyze these insights to improve conversion rates. For instance, notice a high bounce rate for a landing page?

Check it out to see what’s wrong. Try different variations to see if it improves results.

To get Google Analytics, all you have to do is sign up for an account and connect your website.

10. Tableau CRM

If you’re a Salesforce CRM user, then beefing up the platform with Tableau may be a good idea. It offers actionable insights and AI-driven analytics, which helps your marketing team make better decisions.

For example, it can spot trends, predict outcomes, and offer guidance on the best next steps. It’s the ultimate workflow optimizer for marketers.

It even integrates with collaboration tools like Chatter, so you can update and share records with the team. Tableau is also native to Salesforce, so all your data is synced.

You have the option of running Tableau using an on-premises server or Public cloud. Or you can deploy the platform online, so it’s fully hosted by Tableau.

To get all of these features, you’ll have to pay $70/mo (billed annually).

11. Triblio

Triblio is an AI-powered platform designed for account-based marketing. It unifies the marketing funnel and sales pipeline to increase revenue generation.

There’s also multichannel capabilities to trigger marketing and sales activities when an account shows buying intent.

You can use it for website personalization, account-based advertising, and sales activation. Reporting features showcase powerful account analytics and intent data.

Triblio doesn’t publish its rates, so you’ll have to request a demo and quote.

12. Infer

Infer is a predictive marketing platform that gathers data from internal and external data about leads and accounts. It also finds signals and publicly shared information, then runs it through its algorithm.

This is to apply behavioral scores to leads and accounts. You use the scorecards to compare with your ideal customer profiles and segments to find opportunities.

There’s also lead-to-account matching to match leads with already-existing customer accounts. This is helpful in preventing pitching to a lead that works in a company you already service.

If this sounds like something you need, then you can request a demo with an expert.

13. Terminus

Terminus is a marketing platform designed to target account segments using B2B data from internal and external sources. You can use it to create multi-channel campaigns, and align marketing and sales initiatives.

The measurement tools make it easier to monitor all aspects of your campaigns, so you can make tweaks and informed decisions faster.

Terminus also allows you to build campaigns to boost customer retention by keeping your brand top of mind. It also enables you to increase the LTV of customers using cross-selling campaigns.

If you want to build compelling campaigns for target account segments, Terminus is the tool for you. You can book a demo to see it in action and to receive a quote.

14. Jabmo

Reaching your target accounts across channels is key to keeping your brand top of mind. With Jabmo, you can create personalized ads for buyers (both known and unknown) within your target accounts.

It integrates with CRM platforms and marketing automation tools like HubSpot and Marketo. Aside from delivering programmatic display ads, you can use Jabmo to build ad retargeting campaigns, social ads, and email campaigns. Tie this in with a personalized website and you have a multi-channel campaign to drive more revenue.

Jabmo uses both 1st- and 3rd-party intent data to deliver helpful insights to drive awareness and engagement with your high-value accounts.

To get a quote, you’ll need to request a demo.

15. Sendoso

ABM campaigns are about building lasting relationships with your top accounts. Nothing works like personalized experiences. If you want to stay top of mind, then making a great first impression is everything.

With Sendoso—a sending platform—you can send personalized gifts to leads and accounts. Simply choose the present and the note (it’s handwritten), and the team will package and ship it for you. You can select gifts from a variety of partner vendors, as well as Amazon. This way, you can pick a gift idea that matches each account’s personality and interests.

There’s even a dashboard to track shipments and manage sending campaigns. It integrates with popular platforms, including Salesforce, Marketo, HubSpot, and Outreach. So if your goal is to retain more customers (via upselling, cross-selling, or renewals), then consider adding this tool to your ABM strategy.

There are three plans with varying numbers of gift sends per year and integrations. The Essential plan comes with two integrations and up to 1,500 annual gift sends and goes up to 10,000. The bigger packages also come with more features, like custom packaging and a dedicated success manager. Prices are provided through a phone consultation, but you can schedule a demo to see how it can work for your business.

Create ABM Campaigns that Build Customer Loyalty

Account-based marketing is only as good as the tools you use. With the right software, you can organize campaigns designed to promote customer retention and increase revenue.

It’s a good idea to use a mix of platforms to deliver a well-rounded campaign. So request demos and see which will help you reach your company’s goals.

Meanwhile, check out how marketing teams are getting over 200% return on their campaign investment.

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